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Poetry Competitions

Portrait of Rossetti

Page was last updated in August 2023

Aesthetica Magazine. International poetry and short fiction competitions. Cash prizes and publication.


Aurora Poetry and Short Fiction Open Competition. A poetry and short-story competition with a special ‘Stonewood Press Regional Prize’ for writers from the East Midlands. Cash prizes. Entry fee.


Betjeman Poetry Prize. Themed contest for young people, aged 10 -13, living in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Cash prizes and more.


Bridport Prize. International short story, flash fiction and poetry competitions. Total prizes of £15,000. There is a special award for writers from Dorset.


Cafe Writers Open Poetry Competition. Cash prizes for short poems (up to 40 lines) with a special category for Norfolk residents.


Christopher Tower Poetry Competition. An annual themed contest open to young writers (16-19) in full or part-time education at a school, college or other educational institution (but not higher education) in the UK.


Cinnamon Press. Cash prizes for poems, flash fiction, short stories, novels and novellas. Entry fees.


Dream Quest One. An international annual poetry and prose competition that offers cash prizes. Entry fees.


Fish Publishing. International short story, flash fiction, poetry and memoir contests. Cash prizes, publication and more.


The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award. Poetry competition for young writers aged 11-17. Prizes include mentoring, a writing course, Poetry Society membership and books.


The Eric Gregory Awards. Awards to poets under the age of 30.


Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine. Annual contest for poetry on a medical theme. There are three categories: Open (international), NHS (open to NHS staff, students and others), and Young (14-18). Over £10,000 in prizes.


Kent & Sussex Poetry Society. International poetry contest with cash prizes.


Malahat Review. International short fiction, novella, and long poem competitions. Cash prize and publication.


Manchester Writing Competition. International competitions for short stories and poetry. Cash prizes up to £10,000.


The Somerset Maugham Awards. Awards given for a published work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry. Applicants must be ordinarily resident in the UK and under the age of 35.


Michael Murphy Memorial Prize. A biennial prize of £1,000 for a distinctive first book of poetry in English published in Britain or Ireland.


Moth Magazine. International poetry competition. Cash prizes and publication.


National Poetry Competition. Run by the Poetry Society, this is one of the world’s biggest single poem competitions. Entry fees. Cash prizes.


Mslexia Magazine. International women’s short story, flash fiction, novel and poetry competitions. Cash prize and publication.


The Paul Cave Prize for Literature. Annual poetry prize with cash prize.


The Poetry Business, Poetry Book & Pamphlet Competition. International annual competition. Entrants submit a collection of 20-24 pages of poems. Cash prizes and the chance of publication. This contest incorporates the The Wordsworth Trust Single Poem Prize.


The Poetry Society. A list of the Society’s poetry competitions. Most are only open to members.


Prairie Fire Magazine Banff Centre Bliss Carman Poetry Award. Annual poetry competition. Paper submissions only and fees by cheque or money order. Cash prizes and publication.


Prism International. International annual competitions in creative non-fiction, short fiction, and poetry. Cash prizes and publication.


Sixfold Magazine. International quarterly short fiction and poetry competitions. Judging is by peer review. Cash prizes and publication.


Slipstream Poets. Annual poetry competition with cash prize. Additional prize for West Sussex entrants.


Strokestown International Poetry Festival. Annual international poetry contest with cash prizes.


The Sunday Times Charlotte Aitken Young Writer of the Year Award. £10,000 awarded for a full-length published or self-published (in book or ebook formats) work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry, by a British or Irish author aged 18-35 years.


Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest. An international poetry competition with a  $3,000 prize for a poem in any style and a $3,000 prize for a rhyming/traditional poem.


Wasafiri New Writing Prize. International annual contests for unpublished authors in poetry, short fiction and ’life writing’. Cash prizes and publication.


Wigtown Poetry Competition. Scotland’s international poetry prize, awarded in association with The Scottish Poetry Library. Dedicated categories for Scots Language and Gaelic. Cash prizes.


Writers Online. A wide range of short story and poetry competitions. Some contests are open only to subscribers. Cash prizes and publication.


The Yeovil Literary Prize. Annual international competitions for novels (first chapters and synopsis), short stories and poetry. Additional awards for authors in Somerset or Devon. Cash prizes.

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